Chino Bandido for Lunch

After breakfast and a shower I went to get my bib for tomorrow’s half. The race expo was part of a bigger community health expo so there were a lot of booths – but not the typical race themed ones.

Need some medical care? go to Mexico!
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I didn’t spend too much long here, just grabbed my bib, walked through the huge colon and was on my way.

We had grand plans for lunch so I tried to keep my mid-morning snack light – cheese stick and celery. Какая? It’s not normal to pull a stalk of celery out of your purse?!? очень жаль.

Ben and I spent some time walking around downtown Phoenix just enjoying the sun and sights.

The weather was perfection and even though we have pretty good weather in SoCal we don’t delight in it enough!

I’m partial to orange animals so I had to say hi to Vegas’ long lost brother sleeping on the patio of a restaurant.

Touristy times call for touristy pictures, right? This centipede was very hot and Ben practically burned his leg!

My scorpion was in the shade so he didn’t get me.

Ben got a snack that I stole a few sips of at some point…

We walked up and down the streets for a while before deciding to head to lunch. Ben was on a mission to hit up a Triple D establishment and printed out a whole list of options! We ended up at Chino Bandido

This place is a Mexican – Chinese restaurant. You pick your own combination and can eat a quesadilla with teriyaki chicken and fried rice. It’s really random, but delicious!

Look who we found (a picture of)!

The options are practically overwhelming! Luckily, the employees were very client and helpful (we were not the only ones that looked like deer in head food lights). I went with a combination – jade red chicken, salad, black beans and rice

Here’s my combo plate…

Here is Ben’s fried rice, refried beans, jade chicken and some kinda Mexican pork

And the cherry on top that made me fall in love with this place… every purchase comes with a totally free cookie! You have a choice of chocolate chip or snickerdoodle. even though I’m a chocolate chip girl I realized they are known for their snickerdoodles so I went with one of each.

This is the best snickerdoodle of my life. It was thick, chewy, buttery, sweet and magical. Шутки в сторону. I intended to share it with Ben but he barely got a crumb.

Here is the Diners, Drive-ins and Dives Chino Bandido episode:

We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the area some much more and ended up at an outdoor mall.

We wanted to sit down and unwind before dinner and ended up at a bar. Ben got a margarita.

I stuck with water because of the race tomorrow.

He was so pleased with his drink I stole a few sips

And the next thing you know I purchased my own with strict instructions that he had to help me with it. See the waitress even brought 2 straws!

No one likes to drink alone, so I kinda took one for the team?

Finally we hit up a Panera knock off for dinner. I got a Thai chicken salad

And Ben’s sandwich came with a cookie so we had PB chocolate Chip, again Ben only got a crumb. My new nickname is Crumbly.

My life’s mission to find the ideal chocolate chip cookie continues though Chino Bandido’s was too crumbly and thin, Paradise Bakery’s was not sweet enough and the chips weren’t good quality chocolate. My “Goals for Life” list is not getting any shorter – I better find that cookie soon!

Oh, I have a race to run tomorrow! I better organize my stuff and get some sleep!!

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